Weed Control for Homeowners Associations
We strive to be the preferred grazing company for homeowners’ associations and neighborhoods across California. We offer solutions for unwanted vegetation in open areas, subdivisions and all kinds of terrain within your association.
Goat grazing can help HOAs with noxious weed control and invasive plant removal. Goats also do a great job of reducing fire fuel loads in areas that have suffered from wildfires, easing your residents’ minds and giving you better fire risk management.
Western Grazers is based at Blue Tent Farms in beautiful northern California and works with HOAs across the state. While not every HOA is best served by goats for vegetation management, goat grazing is a versatile tool adaptable to both small and large areas. We also sometimes work with one or more nearby HOAs at a time, which is more efficient and cost-effective.
Benefits of Goat Grazing for HOAs
In California, a major reason for HOAs to consider using our goats is to reduce wildfire risk. Goats can strip vegetation off even the steepest canyon sides, and help secure your neighborhood against the rapid spread of fire by cutting down the fire fuel present in its landscape. Keeping brush below a certain height helps control the height and spread of flames in the area.
As another benefit, many well-respected HOAS are continually looking for ways to be more environmentally sustainable. Goats offer HOAs a greener way to target unwanted plants and eliminate fire risks. It’s a chemical-free, low-impact means of clearing vegetation. Goats love eating woody plants, small trees and shrubs, so they can also get rid of tough plants that mowing can’t.
How It Works
Every site is different, so we will discuss your specific goals with you and create a customized grazing plan for your HOA. The herd size will vary depending on the size of the area to be grazed, the amount of vegetation, and the type of terrain.
We will bring the right number of goats to get your job done, and manage them on-site until the work is complete. Our herds are supervised by Peruvian herdsmen with over 20 years of experience, accompanied by trained Border Collie herding dogs and Great Pyrenees guard dogs.
Western Grazers uses Kiko goats, a hardy, vigorous goat breed originating in the challenging terrain of New Zealand, and we train them from birth to graze behind electric netting. This method allows us to target their grazing precisely with the use of temporary fencing at each site.
Goats will eat almost any kind of plant, and will clear noxious weeds like poison oak, star thistles, brooms, blackberry and other difficult shrubs and plants. However, if you have young trees you want to retain, landscaping elements and other desirable plants in the area to be grazed, let us know beforehand, and we will fence them off to protect them.
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Why Work with Western Grazers?
We’ve helped utilities and municipalities all over Northern California reduce their risk of wildfires with eco-friendly goat grazing programs. Let us help you be the solution!

Reduce Wildfire Risk
Grazing is the most environmentally friendly way to manage and eliminate fire risks in our public and private lands; it is also an excellent way to target invasive plants.

Safe & Eco-Friendly
Grazing is eco-friendly and produces less pollution and hazardous chemicals than machinery. It helps with sustainable, herbicide free fire fuel reduction.

Our goats can go where humans and equipment have trouble reaching. Grazing is also an aid to use before a prescribed burn.